Heidelberg TDA Seminar (Winter 2022/23)

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In recent years there has been a somewhat surprising flow of ideas from the mathematical branch of topology towards applications in the natural sciences. The tale of Topological Data Analysis (TDA) has it, that these methods provide a highly flexible, nonparametric approach to data analysis. Indeed, there are by now several well-known mathematical results that make statements of this kind rigorous. However, successful applications of TDA often build on a deep intuition about the system in question and many theoretical aspects of TDA remain active fields of research.

The goal of this seminar is to bring together people from various backgrounds who are interested in TDA. We will have talks on topics ranging from applications of TDA on real world problems to the abstract mathematical foundations of the subject. Contributions by participants are very welcome!

Coordinates and Organization

Time: Thursdays 11h15 - 12h45
Location: Mathematikon (INF205), 00.200 (ground floor)

Organizers: Lukas Hahn, Maximilian Schmahl, Daniel Spitz.
Feel free to get in touch with us in the case of questions: structures-hiwi@mathi.uni-heidelberg.de


Date Topic Info Speaker Slides
20.10. Preliminary meeting
27.10. Persistent homology estimates the contribution of recombination to genetic diversity Jonas Fehrenbach
03.11. No TDA seminar session
10.11. No TDA seminar session
17.11. Topologically faithful image segmentation via induced matching of persistence barcodes (https://openreview.net/forum?id=a3-QYAgcDBl) Maximilian Schmahl
24.11. No TDA seminar session
01.12. On the universality of random persistence diagrams (arXiv:2207.03926) Daniel Spitz
08.12. Signed barcodes Michael Bleher
15.12. How to stratify a point cloud Lukas Waas
22.12. No TDA seminar session
12.01. On the Topology of Financial Markets and other Time Series Data (arXiv:1703.04385) Lukas Hahn
19.01. Universality in O(N) symmetric scalar field theories via persistent homology Victoria Noel
26.01. Mayer-Vietoris-Spectral-Sequence and the extension problem Álvaro Torras Casas
02.02. Künneth Formulae in Persistent Homology (arXiv:1910.05656) Freya Bretz