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Lecture Series | EP Math and Data

July 11th - 14h00
Conference Room (5.104)

14h00   Reconstructing phylogenetic trees in blood cancer - Dr. Thomas Stiehl
14h45   Discussion on EPs further proceedings

Reconstructing phylogenetic trees in blood cancer

Abstract: Leukemias (blood cancers) are characterized by a complex clinical course and a large inter-individual heterogeneity. Recent gene sequencing studies show that the leukemic cell bulk consists of multiple clones, each carrying a unique set of mutations. The genetic and phenotypic interdependence of the different clones is highly complex and so far not well understood. We develop a combinatorial tool to reconstruct all possible phylogenetic trees that are in line with given sequencing data. This is an important first step to understand the mechanisms underlying disease progression and treatment failure. We would like to discuss if topological methods can be applied to further improve the reconstruction of phylogenetic trees and which additional insights they could provide. As an example application we consider paired diagnosis-relapse samples from patients with acute myeloid leukemia.

Summer School

Persistent Homology and Barcodes

August 5-9

Schloß Rauischholzhausen
JLU Gießen

Organizers: Peter Albers (Heidelberg), Leonid Polterovich (Tel Aviv), Kai Zehmisch (Gießen)
